The Masonic Influence in the U.S. and Why It’s Demonic

The Square and Compasses

The Square and Compasses (or, more correctly, a square and a set of compasses joined) is the single most identifiable symbol of Freemasonry. Both the square and compasses are architect’s tools and are used in Masonic ritual as emblems to teach symbolic lessons.

Let’s PRAY First, before you read this!

Father, we ask for a revival in our nation. Give Your people boldness to preach the message of salvation through Jesus and his death and resurrection. May our actions and words exhibit the power of God as we reach out to those who are perishing. I Corinthians 1:18-19

The Masonic Influence in the U.S. and Why It Matters to Intercessors

In the founding of America, two major groups of people came to settle in the New World. Nicholas Hagger, in his book The Secret Founding of America: The Real Story of Freemasons, Puritans & The Battle for The New World, divides these early settlers in two groups: the first group came to work the land in support their cause of religious freedom and the second group, which came shortly after the first settlers, consisted of the well-educated enlightened Freemasons who saw the New World as the perfect place to restore the drowned Golden-Age Atlantis that Plato mentions in his Timaeus and Critias dialogues, an idea also promoted by Freemason Sir Francis Bacon. Bacon wrote an incomplete utopian novel published posthumously in 1626 titled The New Atlantis. This New Atlantis would be a paradise where Freemasons would follow reason, become gods, and work for a universal New World Order that they could then replicate throughout the known world.

The first known Freemasons came to American shores as early as 1682. In 1733, they established the first Masonic Lodge. Nine of the fifty-six signers of the Declaration of Independence belonged to Masonic Lodges. Our first President, George Washington, belonged to a Masonic lodge in Fredericksburg, VA. The Bill of Rights, the Declaration of Independence, and the U.S. Constitution all contain elements of text lifted verbatim from the Constitution of the Freemasons written 50 years prior by Freemason Doctor James Anderson.

Today, evidence of their profound influence remains in Washington, D.C. Listed below are a few examples:

In 1793, President George Washington commissioned his close friend, Frenchman and Freemason Pierre Charles L’Enfant, to design the layout for the new capital city. L’Enfant laid out the streets and circles in the shape of a pentagram, and a compass and square, all meaningful Masonic symbols. While it’s unknown if he belonged to a Masonic Lodge, Thomas Jefferson embraced the same Deists philosophies as the Masons, participated in Masonic events, and designated a Masonic obelisk erected at his gravesite. Jefferson also appointed Freemason Benjamin Henry Latrobe as the architect of the U.S. Capitol building. When completed, the Freemasons invited past President George Washington to lay the Masonic cornerstone. The Washington Monument’s chief architect Robert Mills, also a Freemason, designed the monument in the shape of an obelisk, a symbol representing the worship of the pagan gods of Isis and Osiris. Historian Robert Gould who wrote seven volumes of the history of the Masons, said, “Masonry is regarded as the direct descendant of Isis and Osiris in Egypt.” The belief that the goddess Isis helps the dead enter the afterlife may account for the presence of obelisks at the graves of George Washington and Thomas Jefferson.

In 1717, the lodges adopted a new constitution, Ancient Changes of a Free Mason, that allowed Freemasonry into an open organization behind which more clandestine secret organizations could hide. Their secret societies often practiced pagan rituals, worshiped pagan gods, and became engrossed in luciferin doctrine to deepen their human reasoning. Freemasons, as Deists, require all their members, whether Christian, Wiccan, Hindu, Jewish, or Muslim, to believe in one God. Prayers are offered to the Great Architect of the Universe in their meetings. They do not accept the Christian concept of original sin or a belief in Jesus as a personal savior. Freemasons who came to America with the early settlers would have been among the well-educated and “enlightened” of the day. They came from Europe, where they met in salons to discuss the works of Plato, Homer, Aristotle, and Euripides. They valued intellect and denied the true God; instead, they held Greek and Roman gods in high esteem.

Often Masonic Lodges declared themselves to be Christian so that the ignorant could be recruited and deceived. Sadly, many of our Founding Fathers who held deeply religious beliefs simultaneously became Freemasons.

Over the next 250 years, the two fundamentally different concepts of God would eventually divide our nation to a breaking point.

No place is this more evident than in our public schools. Freemason Horace Mann, the Father of Public Education, started the first public schools in Boston in the late 1830s. Raised in a Christian home, Mann, a Deist, rejected the idea that individuals needed a Savior and became a Unitarian. He vowed that if given the position of Secretary of Education in Massachusetts, he would open secular public schools in Boston without any Christian influence and supported by tax-payer money. His dream became a reality in the late 1830s. Today our education system is failing as test scores plummet. Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion fill the curriculum. Teachers, unable to teach personal responsibility, endure disruptive classes due to a lack of discipline.

Like our nation, we cannot comingle Deism and Christianity while ignoring that men and women need a relationship with Jesus; if we do, eventually, Deism wins, and our country suffers. Is it possible that the secret to transformation lies in discovering the principalities and powers of Freemasonry that influenced public education at its inception?

The esoteric beliefs of Freemasons should concern Christians, especially intercessors, as the core difference is critical in determining America’s moral and political future.

Historically, Great Awakening revivals deter the spread of Freemasonry, as people who believe in original sin and embrace Jesus as a personal Savior refuse to believe in Deism and reject the preeminence of man’s reasoning above Gods. The First Great Awakening (1720–1740) brought a blow to Freemasonry as Evangelists like George Whitefield traveled through the colonies, encouraging the people to return to the faith of the Puritans. During this time, people of faith rose to challenge to do away with the rationalism of the Enlightenment and the secularization in America caused by Deism and Freemasonry.

As the revival waned and Deism again gained prominence, the Age of Reason rather than the Age of Faith became our norm. If we take a lesson from history, it’s time to pray for a revival in our nation and a return to the simple message of a God who loves us and sent His son to die for our sins.

All great civilizations seem to come to an end. They rise to the pinnacle of greatness but can’t seem to sustain their grandeur. The strength of great societies is not limited to power and military might alone; they share common benchmarks of achievement: a high degree of social organization, citizen rights and duties, cultural refinement, architectural achievement, education of their young, and honor and respect for authority. Egypt, Greece and Rome are case studies of ancient magnificence followed by societal decline. More recently, the French and British Empires enjoyed their tenure, but their glory has faded.

National greatness equates with vision, destiny, patriotism, leadership, and plenty of hard work. The United States has enjoyed all of these and is unique among civilizations in that its origins didn’t evolve, they were planned. From William Bradford and the Pilgrims to the Founding Fathers, greatness was understood in the context of the blessing of God; our founding documents reflect this.

Is America sustainable? Must this republic necessarily go the way of decline or will we endure when all others have fallen? These questions are not hypothetical; the fate of our nation truly hangs in the balance. Many of our cities have become war zones, our southern border has collapsed, suicide rates are astronomical, and confidence in our leaders is at an all-time low.

Has the American experiment run its course? Modern America appears strong on the outside with its military muscle and superpower designation. Yet, our moral erosion is a growing cancer that, left untreated, will become terminal. There comes a time where, excepting the intervention of God, civilizations reach the junction of no return. When the collective will of a nation weakens to the point that love of country and civic duty succumb to apathy and moral decay, then the will to fight and safeguard greatness diminishes. Self-preservation takes over.

We can only learn so much from the failures of past civilizations. In modern times, we are confronting new enemies not known to previous generations. Today, the battle for America is not restricted to common sense and the rule of law. Our new fight is an assault against the very nature of man himself. The acceptance of non-binary gender identification has opened the door to new levels of absurdity. Identifying as a male, female or “other” has always assumed humanity. The emergence of non-human species identification is the latest “liberation.” As absurd as this sounds, “Furries” are an emerging class of children in America’s schools that identify as animals, not people. They dress as cats and dogs and attend school being assured of their “animal rights.” Teachers are instructed to tolerate and accommodate their diversity. The Bible says no. “For not all flesh is the same, but there is one kind for humans, another for animals, another for birds, another for fish.” 1 Cor. 1539. The pride of Nebuchadnezzar was judged by God in a unique way: the king became like a beast and ate grass like an animalGod creates things according to their own kind and mixing species is forbidden. If a young person can define himself any way he wants and no adult is empowered to exercise limitations, then authority figures such as teachers, coaches, and even parents will let kids celebrate their individuality without restraint. America’s children have never been more confused.

A second assault on mankind is 21st Century technology that has found its way into the human body. A British-Polish firm named Walletmor has become the first of several companies that offer hand implanted computer chips to consumers. The chip weighs less than a gram, is about the size of a grain of rice, and does not require a power source. More than 500 implants have been sold to consumers eager to purchase with their hand anything a credit card can buy. The convenience of quick transactions without hassles and identification is the selling point of chip implants. Unlike artificial hip and knee replacements that minimize pain and discomfort, chip implants are not replacing worn out parts, they are digital additions, rationalized by safety concerns (medical records) and convenience (shopping). One has to wonder if a controlling force (i.e. artificial intelligence) might influence purchasing behavior through a subconscious compulsion. Chip implants open the door to a level of external control never designed by man’s Creator, but certainly possible through demonic possession.

Man is not an animal, nor is he a machine. He is a unique creature made in the image of God, nothing less. As our humanity surrenders to gender fluidity, artificial intelligence, human robots, and implants, mankind is losing its collective soul and human solidarity. We are under assault and yielding to forces of evil not seen before.

Can America recover? If our only hope is in cultural reclamation through the political process, our chances are nil. Our national sickness goes much deeper than politics; our problem is spiritual and the only true solution is also spiritual. The People of God must see through our enemy’s curtain and recognize Satan’s ability to work through mortals to achieve his sinister goals. After all, he is the Father of Lies and the Great Deceiver and can distract people with decoys, and counterfeits as a wolf in sheep’s clothing. We must grasp the nature of our enemy and pray accordingly, not being distracted by illusions and paper tigers. Now is not the time to self-censor and cower to the cultural elites, hoping for better days ahead. We are in a spiritual battle and must see ourselves as the Resistance of our day. We adopt no exit plan. We recognize our enemy’s tactics, expose his lies, and proclaim truth. Although Satan masquerades as an angel of light, once exposed, he runs for cover. Truth sets us free so we run toward the battle and not away from it.

Like the Founding Fathers, the People of God must care enough about their homeland to take action. Prayer is our greatest weapon but only effective when it’s utilized. Christians must see through our enemy’s curtain and recognize Satan’s ability to work through mortals to achieve his sinister goals. After all, he is the Father of Lies and the Great Deceiver and can distract people with decoys, and counterfeits as a wolf in sheep’s clothing. We must grasp the nature of our enemy and pray accordingly, not being distracted by illusions and paper tigers.

Now is not the time to self-censor and cower to the cultural elites, hoping for better days ahead. We are in a spiritual battle and must see ourselves as the Resistance of our day. We adopt no exit plan. We recognize our enemy’s tactics, expose his lies, and proclaim truth. Although Satan masquerades as an angel of light, once exposed, he runs for cover. Truth sets us free so we run toward the battle and not away from it. America will outlast all the great civilizations of the past when she falls to her knees in humility and prayer. These are the tactics that will restore our greatness and bring revival.

Rick Willis is the founder of Elders At The Gate. “Men called to the front lines. United in spirit and gathered in prayer, we are watchmen on the wall, discerning the times and praying specifically led by the Holy Spirit. We are men of action unwilling to give ground to our enemy. Our nation needs us. God’s Kingdom needs us. On our watch, may a great revival come and may America rise again.”

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