While abortions may be legal under federal law, they should not be glorified by being given away as a grand prize for a fundraiser. Raffling a medical procedure, especially this type, trivializes a difficult and emotionally charged medical decision. It is highly offensive to individuals in a position where they must face this choice for medical reasons, not to mention the complete disregard for the right to life of the unborn child.
This vile and abhorrent fundraiser shows a disgusting level of disregard for human life and women’s rights. This raffle trivializes human life. As a society, we should not condone or accept gamifying abortion in any context for any reason.
We understand the right to freedom of speech and the freedom of religion, but we also believe individuals should feel protected from this obscene and offensive material. This content and marketing material does not belong on any site where children may be exposed to it.
We are requesting the immediate cancellation of the Abortion Raffle hosted by The Satanic Temple. We are also asking social media platforms to enforce the immediate removal of this offensive content and marketing material in accordance with their rules and community standards.